F.P.: The birth of the work you’re presenting at Assab one 2004 has close ties with the place in which it will be exhibited…
M.F.: When I entered for the former printing works in VIA Assab for the first time I immediately felt that the place was speaking to me. Its down-at-heel charm carried with it a depth of experience revealed by the few remaining fittings and the objects that populated it. Both Stati di inadeguata circolazione periferica and Dans sa splendeur were conceived in situ, using the site itself, its history, its location within a peripheral quarter of Milan.
Phrases found and re-contextualised in order to speak both of past and its present.
F.P.: Much of your art is concerned with perception: what role is played by those who look at your works?
M.F.: The role of the spectator is to be identified in each individual case: falsifying the real data, the initial dislocation obliges us to rethink that which has previously been taken for granted with the will to go beyond, accepting in this way the challenge of seeing things in a “different light”, from another point of view.
F.P.: What relationship exist between this last work and the previous pieces?
M.F.: The site-specific intervention, the use of phrases within the work and the light are the most frequently recurrent features of my works.